Vacation Rental Almost Ready To Rent? Get Window Cleaning As The Final Touch

Transforming a standard home into one that will become a vacation rental can be both exciting and stressful, but the reward at the end of the process is a property that will generate income for years. The first few guests are the ones you really want to impress because they will serve as the initial reviews for the vacation rental. These reviews can give you a huge boost of business or set you back, as some people may not want to take chances on a poorly reviewed rental. Read More 

How To Get A Butter Stain Out Of Your Upholstery

A lot of people enjoy eating dinner on the couch from time to time, but it can be easy to drip butter on your upholstery when you do. If you have a butter stain on your upholstery, here is what you need to do to remove the stain without further damage to the fabric. #1 Scrape It Off If you are able to see the spot the stain when it is still fresh and the butter is moist, use a very dull butter knife to scrape and remove as much butter as possible. Read More 

5 Things You Should Do To Prepare Your Office For The Overnight Cleaning Crew

You'll get the most out of your nightly office cleanings if you take some time to prepare the office for the cleaners before you leave at the end of the day. Your cleaning service might be responsible for dusting, vacuuming, emptying the trash, mopping, and other general cleaning tasks. However, they'll have trouble getting all of this done by morning if you're not doing your part to clear away office paraphernalia that could get in the cleaning crew's way. Read More 

Manage A Rental Home? Offer Carpet Cleaning To Your Long-Term Tenants

Being a landlord comes with a large number of responsibilities that often come at random times. For instance, the only time you need to market your rental is when a tenant moves out of the place. Not every tenant is going to stay for a long time, but It will provide you with unique opportunities when it happens. Cleaning the carpet is typically done after a tenant leaves, but this does not have to be the case. Read More 

Mold Remediation Following A Flood: When To Handle It Yourself, And When To Call In The Professionals

If you've recently experienced flooding in your home, which has resulted in the formation of mold, you may be curious as to whether it can be safely handled by yourself or whether flood restoration professionals will need to be called in. While it never hurts to have a professional assess the situation, there are a few instances in which you can safely remove the mold. Below are the answers to some questions that will give you a better idea of what you can and cannot handle safely, and when the professionals should be called upon. Read More