Building Maintenance: What To Do

The hard work happening in your commercial building likely takes precedence over all other considerations. However, when the new year approaches, it's a good time to take stock of the actual building itself. Your commercial building might not get much attention, but in order for business activities to remain stable and productive, use these building management and maintenance recommendations.

Create a Schedule

It's difficult to call to memory the last time the plumbing system was inspected or when the HVAC filter was changed. You might be able to pull up various contractor bills, but depending on company accounting that can take a while. It's better to create a maintenance schedule that should be adhered to. For instance, you might check the roof every spring after snowstorms are over.  Being able to physically look at a checklist or schedule and see what must be done will increase the likelihood of every item being completed.

Evaluate Energy Use

From the lightbulbs to the computers to the kitchen appliances in the break room, your building is likely using a great deal of energy. Look for ways that you can make company energy use more efficient so that your power bills aren't so exorbitant. For example, you might need to switch out all the light bulbs for more energy-efficient models. You may need to increase insulation in certain parts of the building so that warm air isn't escaping. Upgrading machines, appliances, and lighting systems can save money.

Look for Problems

Going through the building periodically to actively seek problems is wise. For example, people may have gotten careless and stacked cardboard paper boxes directly in front of HVAC ducts. Workers may not have reported a continuously running toilet. Dead leaves might have piled up near a delivery door, making a possible haven for pests. By seeking building trouble, you might avoid serious issues later.

Talk to Workers

Workers are likely focused on their own job-related tasks. However, they do come to the building each day and probably notice things here and there, imagining that "someone else" is taking care of building maintenance. It could be useful to mention building maintenance in monthly meetings and encourage workers to say something if they notice building-related issues. Ensure that you give them a specific person or department to report to; simplify the process so it doesn't require too much effort. You might even have an online feedback or maintenance form that they can fill out anonymously.

Your commercial building can serve your business well when maintenance is remembered. For help, investigate local commercial building maintenance services through various contractors.
